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Patty MacLeish
In 1999, EAIA past President David Parke invited me to apply for the position of editor of The Chronicle. About ten years earlier, I had begun a small editorial/design business. And at the time I was also editor of Wooden Canoe, the journal of the Wooden Canoe Heritage Association. Between my undergraduate degree from Temple University in American History and my MA in American Folk Culture from the Cooperstown Graduate Program at the State University of NY, Oneonta, EAIA seemed a great fit and happily for me, I was hired and promptly joined EAIA.
I served as editor of The Chronicle until 2018, and during that time I was also editor of Shavings, produced the EAIA Booklist and the annual Directory and Booklist, edited and designed two EAIA publications: “Writings on Tools & Toolmakers,” a collection of articles by Paul Kebabian, and Walter Jacob’s Stanley Woodworking Tools: the Finest Years.
Along the way, I fell in love with the organization, its members, and its purpose. I was honored as a recipient of the J.D. Hatch Award, and in 2022 became a member of the board and currently serve as Chair of the Publications Committee. I have enjoyed working with the committee as we strive to maintain the quality of the publications and encourage more members to share their knowledge and research through articles for The Chronicle and to keep members informed and connected through Shavings and the Directory.
I live in Cooperstown, N.Y. with my husband (and EAIA member) Bruce, who, like me, is a material culture/history nerd.

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