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David Niescior
I am a tailor by trade, an historian of early America by training, and the Senior Historian at the Old Barracks Museum in Trenton, NJ by profession. I have also practiced the trade of 18th century tailoring since 2010, and in recent years I’ve branched into practicing elements of carpentry, joinery, turning, shoemaking, blacksmithing, and hatting, and I’m hoping to expand that list yet. I have a great love for 18th century things, and learning how they work, how they were used, and how they were made. To that end I’ve striven for accuracy in recreating construction methods, endeavoring as much as possible to use the original tools, materials, and techniques. Some projects of mine of the last few years include six suits of regimental clothing of the Royal Regiment as they may have appeared in 1760, a set of bench planes based on early originals I either own or have studied, and my shoemaking tools, including my bench. Much of my work can be seen on my Instagram page, @davidthemechanick, which I use as a kind of running log and portfolio of the things I make and study.
I studied at Rutgers, University-Camden between 2008-2015, earning my BA in History and MA in American History. I have presented my work, both written and otherwise, at Historic Deerfield, for The Colonial Dames of America, the Museum of the American Revolution, and the Society of American Period Furniture Makers, among others.

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