Once again EAIA outdid themselves and organized a wonderful annual conference. There was plenty to do and see this time. Of course, my interest is the textiles so I was always on the lookout for good examples. I tried to take lots of photos for those who were unable to attend this year's conference. Here are a few. The first day we traveled to several Moravian Museums. They were all within walking distance of each other. I had never been to Bethlehem, PA and I was very impressed how beautiful. The Moravian history was very interesting and I learned a lot. The first group of photos is textiles that I thought this group would enjoy.
Chair from Moravian Church with Beautiful Needlepoint Cushions
This last photo I took was in the Moravian church. There were four chairs and the cushions were created using needlepoint. They are just beautiful!!!
On Friday we all came back to the conference center and had our Fiber Interest Group meeting. It was a small group, but it had been a very full day and some members were unable to attend. Our presenter was EAIA member Becky Densmore on punch needle rug hooking. She gave a wonderful slide presentation on the history of rug punching. Then she had plenty of examples for us to look at. She even had a sample that she was currently working on. FIG wants to thank Becky for giving this presentation for our group.
Becky Densmore giving her presentation
Becky demonstrating the rug punching technique to FIG members.
Some of the finished projects from the EAIA 2017 meeting at Old Sturbridge Village
Gloria Elliott brought quilt blocks that she has made.
Nell Semel, Eileen Van Pernis, and Alice Roemer finished their needle working projects from Old Sturbridge Village last year at our annual conference. Good going ladies!!!
Our next year's EAIA Conference will be in Lowell, MA. There is a rich history of textiles in that area. From what I learned this past week, we will be visiting Bootts Mill and a quilt museum. We are also planning some hands-on Fiber workshops so start blocking out your calendars to come to the 2019 EAIA Conference.
- Pam Howard