Bristol County Documents
This fourth installment of documents and deeds relating to Early American woodworking trades and craftsmen covers Part One of Bristol County, Massachusetts. Middlesex and Essex counties of Massachusetts were covered previously. It is interesting to note that most of these Bristol County documents are court records. The previous documents were primarily deeds, none-the-less, much of the same information ends up being recorded...a name, a profession, a place and a time.
Notes: 1. The original spelling is retained if possible. 2. If the spelling or interpretation of a name is questioned, that entry is set apart using ( ).
1725 Edmund Ingals, carpenter, Rehoboth. Court document related to a debt. Also mentioned; John West, Azzikam Birce and Henry Mackintosh. Signed by Timothy Fales, clerk.

1725 Edmund Ingals of Rehoboth, Carpenter
1730 Timothy Barden, joyner, Rehoboth. Document acknowledging a debt. Also mentioned: Christopher Phillips. Signed by Timothy Barden, Tho’s Peckham Jr. and Sam’l Brown Jr.

1730 Timothy Barden of Rehoboth, Joyner
1731 Israel Peck, Inholder and Joyner, Rehoboth. Court document in which Peck owes Hugh Beatty 20 pounds. Also mentioned: Seth Williams. Signed by Timothy Fales, clerk.

1731 Israel Peck of Rehoboth, Joyner
1733 Eleazar Luther, house carpenter, Swansey. Court document regarding a debt recovery. Also mentioned: Thomas Reed. Signed by Eleazer Luther, Charles Church and Timothy Fales, clerk.

1733 Eleazar Luther of Swansey, Hous Carpenter

1733 Eleazar Luther, reverse
1741 Israel Peck, joyner, Rehoboth. Another court document regarding a debt owed by Peck. Also mentioned: John Whitman and Seth Williams. Signed by Timothy Fales, clerk.

1741 Israel Peck of Rehoboth, Joyner
1742 Thomas Sayer, house right, Rehoboth. Document of indebtedness to Elzekiel Carpenter. Signed by Thomas Sayer, Samuel Smith and John Smith.

1742 Thomas Sayer of Rehoboth, Housright

1685 Birth Record of Thomas Sayer, Hingham, MA
Additional Thomas Sayer genealogical information:
Worked: 1737 – 1742, as a housewright Place of work:Tiverton and Rehoboth, Rhode Island. reference: Rhode Island Furniture Archive at the Yale University Art Gallery
Born: about 1685 in Hingham, MA Married: Jerusha Eames on 11 September, 1711 in Marshfield, MA Died: 6 May 1765 in Rehoboth, Bristol, Massachusetts at age 80 reference: WMGS
Hingham birth record image reference: Massachusetts, Town and Vital Records, 1620-1988, courtesy of
1744 John Winslow, joyner, Freetown. Document recording a court judgement against John Winslow. Also mentioned: William Ellery, Job Almy and Seth Williams. Signed by Timothy Fales, clerk.

1744 John Winslow of Freetown, Joyner